11/08/02 09:10 Opgeslagen in: Opmerkelijk
In Memoriam, Arie de Kanarie.
(7.9.2001 - 11.8.2002)

Arie stierf een vreedzame dood in augustus 2002, in het midden van het verhuizen van zijn meester.
Hij was genoemd naar de beroemde griekse toneelschrijver Aristophanes (456-380 v.Chr.), schrijver van 'De Vogels'
It was Chaos and Night at the
first, and the blackness of darkness, and hell's broad border;
Earth was not, nor air, neither
heaven; when in depths of the womb of the dark without order
First thing first born of the
black-plumed Night was a wind-egg hatched in her bosom,
Whence timely, with season revolving
again, sweet Love burst out as a blossom,
Gold wings glittering forth
of his back, like whirlwinds gustily turning
He, after his wedlock with Chaos,
whose wings are of darkness in hell broad-burning.
For his nestings begat him a
race of birds first and upraised us to light new-lighted.
Aristophanes, 'The Birds'
(7.9.2001 - 11.8.2002)

Arie stierf een vreedzame dood in augustus 2002, in het midden van het verhuizen van zijn meester.
Hij was genoemd naar de beroemde griekse toneelschrijver Aristophanes (456-380 v.Chr.), schrijver van 'De Vogels'
It was Chaos and Night at the
first, and the blackness of darkness, and hell's broad border;
Earth was not, nor air, neither
heaven; when in depths of the womb of the dark without order
First thing first born of the
black-plumed Night was a wind-egg hatched in her bosom,
Whence timely, with season revolving
again, sweet Love burst out as a blossom,
Gold wings glittering forth
of his back, like whirlwinds gustily turning
He, after his wedlock with Chaos,
whose wings are of darkness in hell broad-burning.
For his nestings begat him a
race of birds first and upraised us to light new-lighted.
Aristophanes, 'The Birds'