rick filosofeert

elitair, elegant, arrogant, sinds 14 mei 1977

Yanks conquer the Jordaan


One Al from New York landed here.
On one of the first days with a bit of sun.
He found it freezing cold though.

His team had become world champions last year. Again.
And while we might think that meant Barcelona.
It was not. It were the those Yankees again.
But he might have seen NY beating Pele's old team in a

We went to the Jordaan.
Invited to the opening of a new tradional café
An Oxymoron that might be.
Al was a hit in the
Bierbron, as one might see.

The evening was long.
Eating Pizza, watching Roma-Milan,
Defending the simpleness of American Burgers.
Against Dutch
Gourmets Ones
And dancing in the
To the tone of Secret Cinema

And the he left us for some Goulash.
Onwards towards a year,
Where his Yankees would lose the
subway series.


All photos

In one of the most difficult work trips to arrange.
We went to Örebro, in the middle of Sweden.
First a flight to Kastrup, Copenhagen's lovely new airport,
And then in a very small airplane.
Feeling one with turbulence
Towards an empty airport in the Snow.


I went with Jaap Schuurmans
Former soccer hero,
and now risk manager at Arriva.


The city was cute.
The vice-mayor lovely
And the congress a success.


Wit the VVCR crew, We watched Milan being humiliated.
In a stand, within a bar,
Filled with deaf -students.


And then we returned home.
With the train,
Through empty snow, and Malmö
Arriving at the outskirts of the Copenhagen Metro


Succesvol Eindcongres Fleat

In Örebro, Zweden, is op 9 en 10 maart het project Fleat afgesloten. Dit project had als doel wagenparkbeheerders inzicht te geven in manieren om hun vloot te vergroenen. Agentschap NL was partner in het project.

Op het congres werden vormen van Fleet Management gepresenteerd, met inzet van Mobiliteitsmanagement, Ecodriving en het gebruik van Alternatieve brandstoffen. Vanuit Nederland werd de ecodriving trainingen van VVCR bij Arriva gepresenteerd als Best Case. Arriva heeft 7% brandstof besparing gerealiseerd en veel minder schadegevallen opgelopen.


Andere interessante ontwikkelingen waren de oprichting van een Zweedse vakorganisatie van Ecodriving Trainers en de nieuwste ontwikkelingen van Volvo bij hun vrachtwagen en bussen. De conferentie vond plaats in Örebro, in zweden een pionier op het gebied van Biogas. Alle presentaties zijn te vinden op www.fleat-eu.org. Hier vindt u binnenkort ook een toolbox, waarin u precies kan zien wat vergroening van fleet management u kan opleveren.